Wednesday 15 June 2011

LM Music Magazine

Our task today was to continue making up a short 6-12 movie on an idea of our choice. Our group decided to make 2 short movies as our group consisted of 5 members which meant that not everybody would get a chance  acting in just one film, making two however enabled this.
The preperation process which enabled us to organise our short movies effectively comprised of the following:
We drew rough sketches of each scene (storyboard) - this included us recording how long each shot would last, the shots and camera angles we would use
we created a rough written script/

After we done all this we were allowed to film in a location of our choice, however the location  had to be reaosnable as we had to consider that classes were being taught. Our group also had to consider things like gaining permission from certain teachers to use areas such as classrooms etc.

In order to film our short movie we used flipcams which were small and convinient. 

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