Wednesday 5 January 2011

evaluation question 7

Looking back at the preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I personally think that my skills have developed massively from the prelim task. The main reason for this is because with time I have learnt how to use Photoshop to the best of my ability. I have learnt how to incorporate different technical effects into making my picture the best and most original possible. I also learnt how to present my ideas for my magazine differently using different angles and colours to do this. My skills have also grown due to the fact that I have become more organised and prepared which has shown, as my ideas for my magazine are more clearly expressed using different forms of magazine conventions.

Below is an image of my prelim task:
this is my contents page for my prelim task.

The improvement ive made using photoshop is relatively obvious in my opinion. My prelim task used to codes and conventions of a magazine but not too the fullest potential. The layout of my magazine is also simple as this was when my knowledge of photoshop was basic and simple. Unlike now my magazine incorporates all the codes and conventions of a good music magazine as I use barcodes, colourful mastheads and lures.

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