Wednesday 15 June 2011

LM Music Magazine

Our task today was to continue making up a short 6-12 movie on an idea of our choice. Our group decided to make 2 short movies as our group consisted of 5 members which meant that not everybody would get a chance  acting in just one film, making two however enabled this.
The preperation process which enabled us to organise our short movies effectively comprised of the following:
We drew rough sketches of each scene (storyboard) - this included us recording how long each shot would last, the shots and camera angles we would use
we created a rough written script/

After we done all this we were allowed to film in a location of our choice, however the location  had to be reaosnable as we had to consider that classes were being taught. Our group also had to consider things like gaining permission from certain teachers to use areas such as classrooms etc.

In order to film our short movie we used flipcams which were small and convinient. 

Wednesday 5 January 2011

evaluation question 7

Looking back at the preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I personally think that my skills have developed massively from the prelim task. The main reason for this is because with time I have learnt how to use Photoshop to the best of my ability. I have learnt how to incorporate different technical effects into making my picture the best and most original possible. I also learnt how to present my ideas for my magazine differently using different angles and colours to do this. My skills have also grown due to the fact that I have become more organised and prepared which has shown, as my ideas for my magazine are more clearly expressed using different forms of magazine conventions.

Below is an image of my prelim task:
this is my contents page for my prelim task.

The improvement ive made using photoshop is relatively obvious in my opinion. My prelim task used to codes and conventions of a magazine but not too the fullest potential. The layout of my magazine is also simple as this was when my knowledge of photoshop was basic and simple. Unlike now my magazine incorporates all the codes and conventions of a good music magazine as I use barcodes, colourful mastheads and lures.

evaluation question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of my production for my music magazine I learnt how to use several technical programs such as Photoshop, pages, on a MAC computer.

The main advantages of using Photoshop was that it enabled me to change the lighting of my picture which as a whole made the picture look completely different and more professional thus giving the illusion that my featured artists was a real artist and that the magazine I was producing was real. 

However one of the few disadvantages of using such advanced software such as Photoshop is that it can get really confusing and if you don’t know what your doing you may get really confused. One thing I really liked about Photoshop and pages is that once you did get the hang of the software it became really easy and fun to use, also considering this is the first time I properly and consistently used Photoshop I think I did really well in editing my pictures and making them look as professional as possible.

Using a mac computer for the first time consistently was also really difficult at first especially, but within time I learnt how to use the software to a good standard which enabled me to finish my work quickly and efficiently.

evaluation question 5

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I would like my music magazine to be published in a specific sort of way. I wouldn’t like my magazine to be distributed in large, mainstream retail whole sales like Tesco or Sainsbury. I would like my music magazine to be accessible through subscription only to ensure that the potential audience reading the magazine are real fans and appreciate the content within the magazine. Because I want the magazine only accessible through subscription I would release a new issue, every month at the price of £4.99, which in my opinion is reasonable as it only comes out once a month, and the amount contained will make it worth it. I intend to advertise it however on mainstream music channels such as MTV because the age group I want the magazine to be promoted too regularly watch MTV. MTV is also categorised into four different types of genre’s, which are base, dance and rock. MTV Base particularly.

here is a link to MTV base: 

evaluation question 4

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My music magazine represents different social groups and backgrounds as in my magazine I have decided there will be a female black afro-Caribbean music artist featured on the main image of my magazine. Also on the contents page I have decided to use a range of ethnic music artists and fashion moguls to promote and celebrate diversity in culture for example on my contents page not only do I have my featured artists on the contents page I incorporated two female music artists one of mixed rice heritage and another of Caribbean. I also intend to have one female artist from a Latino background or Philippine background.

an example of a targeted music magazine is orginization/ magazine is BET, which stands for black entertainment television which directly appeals to the audience of black afro- carribean and other ethnic minority groups such as latino, mixed race etc.

evaluation question 3

  How do you attract/ address your audience?   
My mode of address is going to be mainly aimed at an ethnic background such as Afro-Caribbean, Latin; it is also going to be aimed at an older teenage group especially from age 16-19. The design of my front cover is going to attract a specific audience as the strap line, masthead and lures are going to be colourful and eye catching. My main image on the front cover is also going to attract my ideal audience and readers as we’ve promoted a particular type of headphones that most people of that age group want/ have already which will show that my music magazine is current and up to date. My music magazine would publicize itself on music channels and music related adverts especially on adverts that that particular age group would watch. 

evaluation question 2

In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real music magazine?

I have chosen to do my music magazine on the music genre music magazine Rnb. I will be challenging conventions using several different methods such as incorporating other genres into the magazine. Also by bringing some other unexpected ethnic background into the scene. This will challenge the typical codes and conventions of an Rnb magazine as the typical Rnb magazine usually features black African american male and female artists however my magazine will be similare but slightly more diverse. The other codes and conventions I will be using are the basic ones such as date issue, barcodes, images and headlines etc. 

evaluation _ question number 1

final music magazine contents page

final double page spread article - page 2